Laboratory set "Electricity and magnetism"

1310,00 $



Product Overview:

The “Electricity and Magnetism” laboratory kit is an extensive educational resource crafted to aid the study of electrical phenomena, encompassing both practical and theoretical elements. The kit is specifically designed to enhance the learning experience by providing hands-on tools and materials.

This laboratory kit includes a variety of components essential for a comprehensive exploration of electrical concepts. The kit comprises 42 transparent modules, a switching panel, a set of six connecting wires, a holder for galvanic elements, a power supply unit, a direct current ammeter, an alternating current ammeter, a direct current voltmeter, an alternating current voltmeter, a milliammeter, a detailed description of laboratory works, and two storage boxes.

The kit facilitates the investigation of various electrical circuits, enabling the measurement of current and voltage at different points and demonstrating how a rheostat can alter current strength. It also allows for the examination of conductor resistance and its variation using ammeters and voltmeters. Students can study the work and power of electric currents, determine the efficiency of systems with electric heaters, and understand electromagnets. Furthermore, the kit is useful for comprehending the structure and functioning of direct current motors, the effects of magnetic fields, the different types of conductor connections, and the operation principles of transistors.