The frame of the stand is constructed using standard aluminum profiles, ensuring high strength and durability. Its modular design allows for flexible creation of various experimental setups on a two-layer structure. For ease of use and maintenance, all upper components—including the experimental module, power module, and frame support—are removable.
Self-locking circuit
Remote/local/multi-point start and stop control circuit
Sequential start circuit of a three-phase asynchronous motor using a time relay
Y-Δ start circuit of a three-phase asynchronous motor
Combined short pulse and self-locking control circuit
Three-phase dual-speed motor control circuit
Automatic reverse control circuit
Three-phase asynchronous motor control circuit with reverse and contactor/button blocking
Sequential start circuit of a three-phase asynchronous motor using an AC contactor
Electric control circuit of the C620 lathe
Sequential start and stop circuit of a three-phase asynchronous motor with reverse
Dynamic braking circuit of a three-phase asynchronous motor
Short pulse control circuit
Reduced start circuit of a three-phase asynchronous motor using a series resistor
Three-phase asynchronous motor control circuit with reverse and contactor blocking