Educational-Laboratory Stand "Electrical Apparatus"

7 513,00 $



Electrical Devices Stand; Structure and Components: The “Electrical Devices” stand consists of a case containing electrical equipment and electronic boards, a perforated front panel, and an integrated work table top. The front panel displays electrical diagrams of power sources with measuring devices, switch-in sockets, a digital instrument panel, a stopwatch indicator, switching equipment, a knob for adjusting the LATR output voltage, and a fuse holder with a magnifying lens for detailed observation of the fuse melting process.

Removable Modules: Removable modules are placed on the perforated mounting panel. These include a module with relay-contactor equipment (KMI-110 ~220V and KMI-210 ~220V magnetic starters; HJQ-22 ~220V intermediate relays); a module with protection equipment (PR-617 electronic time relay; TRN-10 1A thermal relay; VA 1A automatic circuit breaker; RT-40 maximum current relay); and a module with electronic devices (a thyristor voltage regulator with control and power circuit sockets; and a solid-state relay).

Internal Components: Inside the stand’s case are a +5V (1A) power supply unit; a stopwatch board (0.01 – 99.99 s measurement range); a digital measuring device board with a current relay; an OSM1-0.1 220/42V step-down transformer; a 22 Ohm PEVR-50 resistor; a 0.4kW autotransformer (LATR); a rectifier for the adjustable LATR voltage; and an OSM1-0.1 power transformer.

Control Elements: The control elements include the LATR laboratory switch; a potentiometer for adjusting the RCD leakage current; digital measuring device operation mode switches; and a stopwatch reset button.

Laboratory Work and Documentation: Laboratory work requires assembling the research object’s electrical circuit using jumpers. The stand is supplied with a student testing program (checking theoretical knowledge and lab work content, providing a knowledge assessment) and a set of methodical and technical documentation for instructors.

List of Performed Works: The stand enables the following laboratory exercises: Fuse research (studying VP2 low-voltage fuse inserts, determining the time-current characteristic, and studying the metallurgical effect); study of DC and AC contactors (examining contact switching devices, their technical data, design, and operation); study of an electronic current relay (understanding the design, operating principle, and adjustment methods); study of a circuit breaker (examining the device, construction, and operating principle of low-voltage single-pole automatic switches); and study of a thermal relay (learning about the design, function, and applications of thermal relays).

Technical Characteristics: The power supply is ~220 V, 50 Hz. Power consumption is no more than 0.3 kW. The stand’s dimensions are no more than 1310 mm (width) x 1460 mm (height) x 600 mm (depth), and its weight is no more than 80 kg.

Complete Set: The complete set includes one NTC-08.09 educational laboratory stand; one replaceable module with relay-contactor equipment; one replaceable module with protection equipment; one replaceable module with electronic devices; one passport; one CD-ROM with documentation; and one set of jumpers.